

Steam ID and Name:jackinthebox-name steam ID-STEAM_0:1:222799719

Age (must be at least 13 years old):13

First Name:JACK

Location: US

Total Gmod hours: 140

Total hours on server(At least 15):15

When will you be on? How often?maybe around 6-8 pm and for how often almost everyday if im not i will tell you when and why i wont be

How much experience do you have with ULX: a small amount i have it and am trying to work with it on my own server im used to its commands though!

do you have a working Microphone: YES

What is FailRP:when someone says something out of context while not doing ooc (out of character) and ruining immersion 

What is the difference between RDA and RDM: one is random death match one is random arresting 

Will you be active in the discord and forums:not in discord possibly in forums :/

Any active warnings or previous bans: none ive never been warned that i can remember

Please respond with at least 5-8 sentences for the following questions. Be sure to use proper grammar.

1. Why do you want to become staff? because i am kind but strict i will punish rule breakers but give them there defense before angering them with kicking and banning i give chances but i am not afraid to be cruel. i am trustworthy and obey orders from higher ranked staff. i do not disobey, troll, or do anything that would be considered ban worthy. i would not abuse my powers i would use them for good.

2. What is some things you can do to improve the server? i can stop bad staff if needed. i will help players. i will only be cruel if needed as to enforce obediance. i will be kind to lift spirits making more people reccomend the servber making us gain popularity. an i will be a loyal staff member under any kind of treatment.

3. Why should we pick you for staff? becuase i will not break the promisises i give. i promise to obey. i promise to listen. i promise to be strict but kind. and i promise to do anything to help.

4. Why should you be chosen over another applicant? because i am known for my truthfellness and the other applicant could lie abuse his power. be unloyal and be a bad staff member while i wouldnt be one. even if my favorite youtuber was trolling i would ban him instanly.

5. What are more important, the Administrators or the players? Explain why? -
Recent Activity
jackinthebox wrote a post on Flaming's Staff App
7 years ago
jackinthebox wrote a post on JACKINTHEBOX's REAL APLICATION
7 years ago
jackinthebox created a thread called JACKINTHEBOX's REAL APLICATION
7 years ago